Friday, January 14, 2022

Nightfall In America

 "...what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards Gilead to be born where the best lack all conviction,
while the worst are full of passionate intensity."


               FLASHING BACK

Thursday, December 09, 2021

100,000 are all run by Republican governors."
"The result of misinformation
          and politicization of Covid-19 is stark.
"The 12 states with the highest case rate for every
          100,000 people are all run by Republican governors.
"The 13 states with the highest hospitalization rate per
          100,000 residents are all run by Republican governors.
"The 15 states with the highest percentage of deaths per
                                                        CNN | 28 Sep 2021

Wednesday, October 27, 2021


October 24, 2021 8:33PM ET
"EXCLUSIVE: Jan. 6 Protest Organizers Say They Participated in ‘Dozens’ of Planning Meetings With Members of Congress and White House Staff
"two sources...describe participating in “dozens” of planning briefings ahead of that day...
"These two sources also helped plan a series of demonstrations that took place in multiple states around the country in the weeks between the election and the storming of the Capitol.."

"In those first days in January, from the command center, Trump allies were calling members of Republican-dominated legislatures in swing states that Eastman had spotlighted in his memos...
On Jan. 2, Trump, Giuliani and Eastman spoke to 300 state legislators via a conference call meant to arm them with purported evidence of fraud and galvanize them to take action...
Three days after the call, dozens of lawmakers...from Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin wrote to Pence. They asked that he delay certification of Biden’s victory." prnewswire

 Ahead of Jan. 6, Willard Hotel in Downtown D.C. Was a Trump Team ‘Command Center’ for the Effort to Deny Biden the Presidency.                                                                                  WaPo| 23 Oct 2021

The Party of Thugs
Wa Po | 25 Oct 2021

 "Ahead of Jan. 6, the Willard hotel in downtown D.C. was a Trump team ‘command center’ for effort to deny Biden the presidency."
WaPo | October 23, 2021


"*led by Trump’s personal lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani

"*Stephen K. Bannon was the effort’s senior political adviser

"*Bernard Kerik (ormer New York City police commissioner) - investigator:  irm billed the Trump campaign more than $55,000 for rooms for the legal team..."Kerik paid for rooms for William Ligon, a Georgia state senator who had chaired two hearings in Atlanta at which Giuliani aired false claims of election fraud, and Preston Haliburton, an Atlanta attorney who had represented a Coffee County Republican leader who claimed to be a whistleblower with evidence about Dominion voting machines.

"John Eastman (a Federalist Society member, law professor and former clerk for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas) outlined scenarios for denying Biden the presidency in an Oval Office meeting on Jan. 4 with Trump and Vice President Mike Pence...Eastman indicated that he was at the hotel with Giuliani on the morning of Jan. 6. “We had a war room at the Willard . . . kind of coordinating all of the communications,”

"Christina Bobb - One America News reporter:  lawyer by training who was volunteering for the campaign at the time...

"Phil Waldron, a retired Army colonel who specialized in psychological operations, led a team of people who provided Kerik with analyses of state data, which purported to show fraudulent voting

"Russell Ramsland, (a Texas Republican) - had been spreading election-fraud conspiracy theories for months before the election and submitted affidavits to multiple post-election lawsuits claiming fraud ... State lawmakers ask Pence for more time to address election results ...The letter was signed by 88 lawmakers, with more signing on by the hour, and similar letters have been signed by other legislators in the swing states, bringing the total to well over 100 total signatories."

Mark Meadows - White House Chief of Staff - "played a major role in the conversations surrounding the protests on Jan. 6",
Kylie Kremer, one of the key organizers at that event, boasted that she was going to meet with Meadows at the White House ahead of the rally,
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA),
Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.),
Thomas Van Flein - Gosar’s chief of staff,
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.),
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.),
Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.),
Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.),
and Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas).
"Both describe Katrina Pierson, who worked for Trump’s campaign in 2016 and 2020, as a key liaison between the organizers of protests against the election and the White House."

 Ali Alexander, who helped organize the “Wild Protest,” declared...that Gosar, Brooks, and Biggs helped him formulate the strategy for that event."

"...more than a hundred Republican members of the House ultimately objected to the Electoral College count that formalized Trump’s loss, only a handful of senators backed the effort."
07 Jan 2921 | NPR

Here Are The Republicans Who Objected
To The Electoral College Count

NPR | 07 Jan 2021

 Cowards, Not Crazies, Are Destroying America
NYT | 28 Oct 2021
Paul Krugman

Adam Schiff on Jan. 6:
Republican Lies Big and Small —
and Prosecuting Donald Trump
Salon | 30 Oct 2021

Trump and His Lawyers Have Handed Investigators What They Need to Charge Them with 'Seditious Conspiracy'                           YouTube
MSNBC | 31 Oct 2021

Letter from Washington Post Executive Editor Sally Buzbee About The Post’s Jan. 6 Investigation:
WaPo| 31 Oct 2021
Before: Red Flags
During: Bloodshed
After: Contagion

Report Cites New Details of Trump's
Pressure on Justice Dept. Over Election
NYT | 07 Oct 2021
The Real Reason Trump Didn't Follow Through With His 2020 Plot Has Been Exposed In New Senate Report
Raw Story | 07 Oct 2021
Senate Report Confirms Again: Trump Needs To Explain Himself Under Oath
Raw Story | 07 Oct 2021  
'Stunning Distortion of DOJ’s Authority': 6 Key Findings
Raw Story | 07 Oct 2021
 Trump Tells 4 Former Aides To Defy Jan. 6 Committee's Subpoena
Politico | 07 Oct 2021
Biden DOJ Shields Ex-Trump Officials From
Testifying About Election Fraud Cases
Politico | 07 Oct 2021



Saturday, October 16, 2021

Neanderthal Barbie

"They should have left her in the chunk of ice that they found her in:  All she does is stomp around hoot-hooting for attention. Soon she'll
be shaking the bushes, throwing rotten fruit
and flinging her fresh shit everywhere."
     UPDATE:  2 Jan 2022
UPDATE:  3 Jan 2022


Friday, September 24, 2021


Direct line from "Charlottsville" ...

through 6thJan ... to THIS! ...

Cowardly MAGA Moron:
     Did you attack ...the seats and symbols of power?
Did you tag City Hall or the Police Department ...
Did you tag the County Seat or the Sherrifs Department ...
Did you tag the State Capitol or State Highway Patrol HQ ...
     or the National Guard Barracks?
No! ... because you're a fucking coward!
In the middle of a week-end night you snuck-up and tagged
     the largest nonprofit health-care facility...
          within a hundred miles.
You crossed an ethical line by attacking non-combatants ...
     because you're a fucking coward.
You attacked my unvaccinated MAGA Moron patients ...
     because you're a fucking coward.
You attacked my fellow nurses ...
     because you're a fucking coward.
You attacked my physicians ...
     because you're a fucking coward.
You brought your faux Culture War to my Trauma Center ...
     because you're a fucking coward.
You're a NAZI ...
     because you're a fucking coward.

And now, "what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards" my Trauma Center ...MAGA-hat-in-hand?
A fucking coward! ... hence,
     I will "man the barricade" and, triage you by ...
         "Conventional Classification" ...
               by which, you are designated to be "Expectant"
                    and black-tagged ... accordingly.
SO .....
     "You gonna to do somethin', or just stand there and bleed?"



Monday, September 13, 2021

Rachel Maddow Reports on Conspiracy Theorist Doctor Appointed by Idaho Central District Health Department


On MSNBC Friday, Rachel Maddow highlighted the beliefs of Dr. Ryan Cole, a conspiracy theorist doctor just appointed to to the Central District Board of Health in Idaho as the COVID-19 pandemic rages out of control in the state.

 FULL EPISODE | 11 Sep 2021

Dr. Ryan Cole

By Pathologist Ryan Cole | 13 Sep 2021
Worst CoVid-19 Crisis Yet
Business Insider | 15 Sep 2021

Mass-Casualty Triage Mode
Idaho Capital Sun | 16 Sep 2021

Ethical Questions
The Washington Post | 17 Sep 2021

For Bodies As Covid-19 Deaths Mount
Washington Post | 25 Sep 2021

The Next Pandemic
The Atlantic | 29 Sep 2021

And Pregnant COVID-19 Patients
BSU Public Radio | 22 Sep 2021

Raw Story | 30 Sep 2021

(December 8, 2021)

According to St. Luke's Health Partners,
Dr. Ryan Cole and Cole Diagnostics
will no longer be in-network for nearly 200,000 Idahoans.
Cole has become a controversial figure during the
COVID-19 pandemic for his outspoken criticism of
COVID-19 vaccines and for touting the use of ivermectin.
(December 18, 2021)
 Doctors Urge Medical Board To Take Action
Against Dr. Ryan Cole’s COVID-19 Misinformation.


Idaho Hospitals Are On the Brink
Idaho Statesman | November 05, 2020

Overwhelmed Idaho Hospitals May Use ‘Crisis Care’ For COVID-19 / Idaho Statesman | Aug 22, 2021

 Idaho Activates Crisis Standards of Care in North Idaho
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (DHW) | 07 Sep 2021
 Idaho Activates Crisis Standards of Care in North Idaho
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (DHW) | 07 Sep 2021
Betrayal of Trust: The Collapse of Global Public Health
‎(Hachette Books: May 10, 2011)
Laurie Garrett is the only writer ever to have been awarded all three of the Big "Ps" of journalism: the Peabody, the Polk, and the Pulitzer Prizes.


Saturday, September 11, 2021

Friday, September 03, 2021


wakey wakey!...

{Got Terri Schiavo Syndrome (TSS)?}
OK ... Fine!  Pulling Your Plug In 3-2-1 .....

Short story from the Black Rose (Earth Abides prequel):
The "Omega Varient" did not come from the
     Ignorance of the un-vaccinated, but from the
     Hubris of the ... vaccinated.
As the un-vaccinated began to die during the
     second "Great Wave,"
SARS-CoV-2 mutated & targeted
    not just the vaccinated, but,
Their children.

"... not with a bang, but with a whimper..."

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Raw Story | 10 Sep 2021

Idaho Fully Vaccinated - 40%
(#48 by State ranking)
Valley County - 50%
The New York Times | 13 Sep 2021

99.5% of Covid-19 deaths now occurring in the U.S. are among the unvaccinated.
U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy

U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC):  the average number of new reported cases (26,306 per day) has grown by 69.3% since last week, while the average number of hospitalizations (2,794 per day) and deaths (211 per day) have grown by 35.8% and 26.3%, respectively, during the same time period.

55.8% of the total U.S. population have received at least one dose of the vaccine, while less than half (48.4%) have been fully inoculated.

Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated
NPR - 16 Jul 2021

WaPo - 09 Jul 2021
"...preliminary data from several states show that 99.5 percent of deaths from covid-19 in recent months have been among people who were unvaccinated."
CDC Director Rochelle Walensky
          “If we continue to let the virus run loose ... future variants will likely be worse than the current crop — and yes, we’ll likely have several circulating at the same time,”
Kristian Andersen
 “Virtually all Covid-19 hospitalizations and deaths in the United States are now occurring among unvaccinated individuals.”
Jeff Zients
White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator

853,000 people hospitalized throughout the U.S. in May
     1,200 were vaccinated = 0.1%.
  18,000 Covid-related deaths ...
        150 were vaccinated = 0.8%.

CNN - 05 Jul 2021
to Minors
Tennessean - 13 Jul 2021

Anti-Vaxx Propaganda
CNN - 14 Jul 2021

Nearly 70% of adults vaccinated by July 4 are from those states Democrats won in last year’s presidential election. The states that are coming up short of the vaccine goal are those states won by the Republicans.

          If you want to know how a state voted in 2020, you can get more information from knowing its current vaccination rate than from knowing how it voted 20 years ago.

          In nearly all fifty states, a strong relationship between county-level presidential election results and vaccination rates.

          Differences in vaccine rates are likely driven by partisanship at the individual level. Sometimes the relationships we see at aggregate levels (like states or counties) actually obscure a different pattern at the individual level. But not in this case.
Denver Post -25 Jun 2021

"Three things are happening at once: The virus is getting more transmissible, vaccination is stalling, and people have let their guard down. Some kind of bump is “almost inevitable.”
Look to the South as a bellwether for the fall.
Ed said that a lot of the experts he’s spoken with are concerned about the fall. “If we start seeing big spikes in southern states, and especially given that many of them have not done that well in terms of vaccination, that would certainly increase my concern about the shape of the fall and winter.
     “Virtually all Covid-19 hospitalizations and deaths in the United States are now occurring among unvaccinated individuals,” White House coronavirus response coordinator Jeff Zients said at a White House press briefing today.  Anthony Fauci went on Meet the Press on Sunday to announce that 99.2 percent of Covid deaths in June were unvaccinated people.  State statistics are beginning to trickle in.  Tennessee is reporting that 99 percent of Covid deaths in the state are unvaccinated.  Maryland reported the other day that 99 percent of deaths and 98 percent of hospitalizations due to Covid were unvaccinated.
     "The Wall Street Journal reported last month that 8 in 10 Democrats have gotten at least one dose of the Covid vaccine, compared to a little less than half of Republicans.  Twenty-seven percent of Republicans say they won’t get vaccinated under any circumstances, and 9 percent will do so only if it is required.  Among Democrats, those numbers are astonishingly smaller.  Only 3 percent of Democrats say they won’t get vaccinated ever, and the same percent report that they will get the vaccine only if required to.
Ed Yong & Scripps Research Institute (Virology)


The Dixie Fire


US Scientists Confirm -
July Was World’s Hottest Month Ever Recorded

14 Aug 2021 | Guardian